Pohybový senzor MW Motion Sensor ST753 IP20

Order number: 914002020
Brand: NBB
Type / Description: Pohybový senzor
Unit EAN13 code:
Guarantee: 60 months

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General information

Specifications ST753
Nominal service life (h) h
Degree of protection (IP)
Nominal voltage (V) 240 V
Colour Bílá
Model Pohybový senzor
Nominal voltage (V) 230 - 240 V
Degree of protection (IP) IP20
Název položky MW pohybový senzor ST753 IP20
Typ senzoru Vysokofrekvenční

Working conditions

Number of separate zones 1
Learning Key
Push switch
Integrated driver
Wire mm2
Dimmable range %
Permanent connection to mains supply Ano
Working temperature of the ballast body -Tc max °C
Radar frequency GHz
Time setting Ano
Detection angle °
Transmission power mW
Light control
Burning position Libovolná
Maxim detection range 8 m
Výrobek může být provozován bez zátěže Ano
Installation on flammable surfaces Ano
Material quality Duroplast
Ambient temperature -20/+40 °C
Response value luminosity adjustable 3 - 2000 lx
Diameter detection range on floor 8 m
Constant light control Ano
Teach-function for response value luminosity Ano
Driver included
Staircase monitoring Ano
Max. transmission range frontally 8 m
Max. transmission range sideways 4 m
Response value sensitivity adjustable Ano
Funkce Slave/Master
Provoz na prázdno
Horizontální detekční úhel 180 °
Minimální počet sepnutí 1 s
Maximální počet sepnutí 60 min
Nastavení citlivosti na okolní osvětlení Ano
Optimální instalační výška do 3,5 m
Vertikálně nastavitelný senzor 0 - 60 °
Počet spínaných zón 1

Physical characteristics

Dimensions (mm) Ø75 x 74 mm
Packing method
Weight gross g
Spacing of fixing holes mm
Colour housing
Weight netto 99 g
Material Plast
RAL-number (akin) 1000
Type of surface Matný

Additional information


Energetic characteristics

Energy Efficiency Index
Lamp Power factor (PF)

Electrical characteristics

Control up to 1
Sec. (V)
Nominal wattage 300-1200 W
Rated power (W) W
Current A
Standby power (W) W
Standby operating El. current (A) mA
Maximal current load 5 A
Operating voltage (V) V
Type of Voltage
Direct connection to the mains
Voltage type AC
Frequency 50 - 60 Hz
Nominal current (A) A
Max. switching power 1200 W
Elektrické parametry předřadníku

Mounting methods/application

Mounting method Vestavná
Mounting method Zapuštěný pod omítku

EuP Parameters

The rate of premature failures <1 %
The product to be used as (LED) light source controller

Safety information

Safety instructions www.nbb.cz


Technical sheet

Technical sheet MW Motion Sensor ST753 IP20

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